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Non Formal Education

Kashmir Humanity Foundation

Non Formal Education

The impact of Non Formal Education on young people and society
Kashmir Humanity Foundations main objectives behind running Education Centers
• To mainstream the children to the appropriate classes in the nearby schools.
• To educate the drop-outs from formal education.
• To provide life-long education.
• To raise the social and scientific awareness.
To run the proposed project successfully, we will execute the following tasks:
• Recruitment of the facilitators and staff.
• Train authorities and facilitators in community "mapping" technique and how to target programs by poverty, age, gender, ethnicity, social group, etc.
• Selecting and training local learning center facilitators;
• Development of guidelines and training materials;
• Local facilitators should be exposed to the full range of NFE and development Training programs available or planned for their community;
• Monitor learning centers.
Kashmir Humanity Foundation The power of change
“Be the change you want to see in the world” is the famous message of Mahatma Gandhi. Looking around us it is not hard to notice pictures that we do not like, see injustice, wish some things were different about the society we live in. Gandhi tells us to go beyond only dreaming about a better world, to take actions to make dreams come true! Of course trying to bring any social change is a huge challenge, especially if you are a young person. It seems you have too little power, too little influence on the reality. But if one starts with an initiative, there is a slight chance that more will follow. Non formal education offers a way to turn this slight chance into certainty, as Kashmir Humanity Foundation plays Best NGO of the Kashmir Valley Kashmir Humanity Foundation plays working NGO of Jammu and Kashmir Non formal education makes it possible for young people to take initiative and involve others in making small steps towards a better world. It is based on values and ideals, which should be at the core of any change for better. It deals with personal, voluntary involvement, and so the people are driven by their motivation and beliefs - they are committed. With such a mixture anything might be possible!
What makes the role of non formal education even stronger is the support given to it by different institutions with social missions. Having policies, programmes and funds based on (the use of) non formal education, these organization recognize it as a relevant and important factor in bringing a social change. They believe it works. Why should bureaucrats from international organizations or youth activists involved at the grass root level trust that non formal education is a good way to combat the problems of today’s societies? Maybe because it approaches people differently, gets deeper inside them, because it gives hope for success in situations where other methods fail. as Kashmir Humanity Foundation plays Best NGO of the Kashmir Valley On the personal level, the uniqueness of the non formal approach comes from the fact that it touches upon emotions and attitudes, where formal education does not usually reach. It is complementary to school and higher education – develops different competences. as Kashmir Humanity Foundation plays Best NGO of the Kashmir Valley The learning process of non formal education goes to a deeper level of personality. This is where a youth leader needs to get in order to develop understanding for social problems and capacity to deal with them. Secondly, non formal approach is essential to carry through any change that has to do with peoples’ behaviors and their interactions. Especially when it is about the most important values, like freedom, human rights, democracy, peace, respect, diversity or gender equality. There are still too many examples of these values being ignored, threatened and violated, thus resulting in serious problems in the society. It is difficult to simply solve such issues; they are too deep, too sensitive and too complicated. Where politicians fail to find solutions, where formal approach gives poor results, there non formal education can be applied. In non formal setting a group is a basic unit, and so it shows that we are not on our own, that we depend on others as other people depends on us. This way of thinking helps to create the feeling of ownership and responsibility for the environment and people around. Certainly there are methods and tools, other than education, which also help to deal with problems in the society. However the above mentioned specificities of non formal approach make it particularly suitable to address them. There are several fields where non formal methods have been proved to bring results and have been successfully applied, both by as Kashmir Humanity Foundation the Best NGO India and big institutions: social inclusion, conflict resolution, capacity building, active citizenship, sustainable development.Etc Play your Role through your contribution please contact at
Learning to make your dreams come true

Kashmir Humanity Foundation


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