Disasters & Relief
Disasters and emergencies threaten the rights of children and damages the communities they live in.
Kashmir Humanity Foundation (KHF India) has been responding to disasters in India since the 2008 Kashmir Humanity Foundation (KHF India) works to reduce the risk when a disaster or emergency occurs. Our response is aimed at the core humanitarian needs of children and youth with quality programmes and continued support in their recovery and rehabilitation.
Our Disaster Risk Management Goal
Children of all age groups, their families and caregivers live in disaster resilient communities and enjoy their inherent human rights at all times, including the right to life with dignity during crises.
We focus on core humanitarian needs during emergencies
Humanitarian relief and response interventions of Kashmir Humanity Foundation (KHF India) are based on both the needs and vulnerabilities of communities in general and children in particular. We endeavour to address the survival needs of the children and their families in the event of a disaster along with child protection and education as key focus areas.


What is Extreme Poverty?
It is an important question, and the numbers are staggering. 2.8 billion people live on less than $2/day (USD), and roughly 1.2 billion people live on less than $1.25/...

How KHF Works
How We Work: With an experience of more than a decade of working with Kashmir Humanity Foundation the Best NGO of India, we have developed a unique three pronged ...

How Can You Help Us
Donate: Both monetary donations as well as donations in kind are welcome. For donations in kind please check with us if it is logistical feasible. Kashmir Humanity...

Domestic Violence Fact
Domestic Violence Fact & Figures Violence against women is a serious problem in India. Overall, one-third of women age 15-49 have experienced physica...

Our Approach
Our Approach Kashmir Humanity Foundation firmly believes that participation leads to empowerment. This is realized by making children participate...

Sanitation Programe
Kashmir Humanity Foundation introduced the mechanized cleaning machines in Government District Hospitals in Kashmir the scrubber machines can run at the speed of 15,000 s...

Sanitation Awareness
DID YOU KNOW? · India is known as the defecation capital of the world with 638 million people defecating in the open. People have more mobil...

Education Scholarship
Education Scholarship "Earlier the parents sent their girls to primary school but didn't show much interest in High school. Nowadays, in a family if all the kids a...

Coaching for Unprivileged
30 crore people still live in extreme poverty in India: UN report India has one third of worlds poorest: World Bank One in three of the world\\\\\\\'s poorest people are ...

Non Formal Education
The impact of Non Formal Education on young people and society Kashmir Humanity Foundations main objectives behind running Education Centers âââ€...

Health Care (USG Centre)
Dummy content here plz update it wi real content ...

Disasters & Relief Disasters and emergencies threaten the rights of children and damages the communities they live in. Kashmir Humanity Foundatio...

Program Education is a national level program from KHF INDIA which focuses on basic education for underprivileged children and youth. KHF INDIA believes that whether y...

Kashmir Humanity Foundation will introduce positive force to inspire youth. Wishes to convey the fact that self employment opportunities can also be made by individual...

Poverty in India 2023
Poverty in IndiaWe are Registered Under CSR Activities MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 30 crore people still liv...

Drug De-addiction Awareness Programme
Drug De-addiction Awareness Programme Drug De-addiction Awareness Programme held in Industrial Training Institute Baramulla Kashmir In...

FCRA Projects
FCRA Projects KHF India mission is to educate the poor and the other half is to educate the world Nagaon: With more than 5.03 la...

Winter Relief
Winter Appeal-2019 As we sit in our warm, cozy homes enjoying quality time with our families, many millions around the world are struggling to...