home Dear Children

Dear Children

Kashmir Humanity Foundation

Dear Children

Here are a few ways how we can make a difference:

  1. Make sure your parents don’t employ children under 14
  2. Use cloth or jute bags for shopping, say no to plastic
  3. Do not spit or throw chocolate wrappers etc on the pavement.
  4. Help plant trees and flowers in your area; or at a park near your home
  5. Adopt a local park, stream or beach, and clean it up
  6. Leave the wild animals, wildflowers, and insects where they belong to – with the    nature
  7. Adopt a "grand friend", write letters and visit them
  8. Start a compost pit
  9. Do not drive before 18 or the driving age
  10. Drive responsibly and obey traffic rules
  11. On birthdays and auspicious occasions like marriages, students can ask parents, friends and grand-parents to make a donation to a special organization. Students can do the same for other people's birthdays
  12. Save peelings from fruits and vegetables for a compost pile
  13. Purchase Charity Greeting cards
  14. Motivate elders to vote
  15. Motivate elders in your family to Donate Blood and pledge their organs
  16. Don't leave water running. For example, turn off water while brushing your teeth. By wasting less water, we leave more water, try and adopt methods of rainwater harvesting
  17. Hold a weekend car-wash to raise money or make yourself (and friends) available to run errands, do yard work, or walk dogs. Make up fliers to advertise your services and explain where the money will go that is earned
  18. Organize fetes in your school where you can ask everyone to bring things from home to sell. You can donate the money for a cause
  19. Write a letter to the editor about an issue you care about
  20. Spay or neuter your dog or cat, which stops them from having babies. There are already millions of dogs and cats without homes
  21. Tell your parents if you see children or adults hurting an animal
  22. Your time helping the Initiatives / Voluntary organisations in their day-to-day activities Helping such Initiatives / Voluntary organisations in fund raising / resource mobilization
  23. Offer to help an elderly neighbour. Ask if you can help walk their dog, change kitty litter, and/or clean a birdcage
  24. Use rechargeable batteries
  25. Give away unwanted clothes and toys to those who can use them
  26. Have a sale of stuff that you don’t need and donate the money for a cause
  27. Avoid buying products that are dangerous to the environment
  28. Organize a clean-up day near your school
  29. Make "I Care Kits." Collect personal care items such as toothbrushes, combs, brushes, shampoo, lotions, soap, deodorant etc. Organize the items and distribute to agencies with families in need
  30. Organize groups to make cards for special times of the year. Distribute them to area community centres, or hospitals
  31. Mentor a younger person
  32. Learn to be a peer counsellor
  33. Leave the hardcover books at home. The wide variety of airplane types makes it impossible to quantify the impact of a passenger's luggage weight, but planes use more fuel, and thus produce more emissions, when they carry heavier loads
  34. Eat, drink, and buy locally—the goods you consume won't have been flown or trucked in, so you're saving significant emission
  35. Replace your light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs
  36. Remind your parents to take the car for regular tune-ups
  37. Remind your parents to always recycle oil
  38. Get neighbourhood families to gather their old books and used clothes and household items to sell/ distribute
  39. Hold an event around New Year’s. Sell tickets or charge admission at the door
  40. Sponsor a charity sports event (cricket, baseball or soccer) between students and teachers. Sell tickets or charge admission at the door
  41. Hold a talent show at your school. Sell tickets or charge admission at the door
  42. Hold an art contest at school and with local artists as judges. Sell tickets or charge admission at the door. You could also sell this artwork and donate the proceeds to your favourite cause
  43. Hold a poetry reading in your favourite cafe. Get students or friends to read their own or published poems. Pass the hat and ask for contributions
  44. Hold a seasonal pot-luck dinner. For instance, in autumn ask participants to bring a seasonal dish. Eat outside under colourful trees. Organize simple games and activities to attract children to the event - leaf rubbings, scavenger hunt and story-telling. Charge admission and donate the money to charity
  45. Adopt cats and dogs from shelters instead of buying them from a pet shop. Many of the puppies in pet shops come from puppy mills
  46. Keep cats indoors. Indoor cats live longer, safer, healthier lives. As long as they have fresh air, toys, and, when possible, other cats to play with, they will be very happy
  47. Buy only products that have not been tested on dogs, cats, and many other animals. Encourage your parents to buy "cruelty-free" toothpaste, shampoo, and household cleaners
  48. Plant a tree in your backyard with your parents. One tree can provide a home for lots of animals like birds, squirrels and bats
  49. Get help if you see a wild animal in trouble. If you see an injured animal, call a wildlife rehabilitator or your local animal shelter. Don't attempt to touch the animal yourself
  50. Make a habit of recycling glass, cans, aluminium soda cans, soda bottles, aluminium foil, newspapers, etc.
  51. Store food in re-usable containers, instead of plastic wrap or aluminium foil
  52. Use old t-shirts as rags for cleaning, dusting or wiping up spills
  53. Organize a food drive collecting canned goods and non-perishable items for an agency
  54. Help teach a younger child to read
  55. Teach a senior friend how to use the computer and Internet
  56. Read books or the newspaper for a visually impaired person
  57. Clean up trash along a river, lake, beach or park
  58. Organize a drive for warm hats, mittens, socks and gloves
  59. Bring, prepare and serve a meal at an emergency shelter
  60. Organize a "walk-a-thon" to raise money for an agency
  61. Collect toys for an orphanage
  62. Have a basic knowledge of first aid
  63. Help at a local hospital
  64. Get together with friends and buy presents for children in an orphanage
  65. Make quilts or baby clothes for a low-income family
  66. Set up a friend system for children with special needs
  67. Paint a mural over obscene writings on walls
  68. Don’t buy crackers
  69. Discourage elders from paying bribes
  70. Donate to organizations that offer free immunizations for children in high-risk areas
  71. Donate water sanitation equipment to organizations dedicated to clean water initiatives in developing areas
  72. Donate oral re-hydration solution packets to alleviate diarrhoea-induced death among children
  73. Donate leftover bulk food to a local shelter
  74. Organize inter-ethnic or inter-religious community work efforts
  75. Bring people with diverse backgrounds together via sports/company social activities
  76. Mobilize company resources to “adopt” a local or international cause
  77. One can contribute financially and materially towards infrastructure (building, library, books, equipments etc.) Development of schools being run for such children
  78. Help children get admission into a formal school and / or sponsor the cost of formal schooling of a child / children
  79. Purchase charity gift certificates
  80. Teach children about diet and exercise to prevent chronic disease
  81. Use organic products for the lawn instead of using chemicals, which are harmful to the environment and harmful to the health of humans and animals
  82. Buy organic (no chemicals added) foods
  83. Avoid buying food individually wrapped in plastic
  84. Avoid buying aerosol products, which hurt the ozone layer, which protects us and the earth from the sun's harmful rays

Here’s something extra for adults

  1. Invite a local police officer to present a drug awareness or safety presentation
  2. Support green hotels and sustainable tourism companies. Visit national parks, and seek out hotels that have been certified by an independent third party for their environmental friendliness
  3. Choose public transportation whenever possible to cut down on auto emissions
  4. Replace your light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs
  5. Install solar water heaters or solar electric panels at your home or office
  6. Buy energy-efficient appliances
  7. Stop smoking, if you do so
  8. One can contribute financially and materially towards infrastructure (building, library, books, equipments etc.) Development of schools being run for such children
  9. Provide professional services such as legal advice, accounting and public relations etc. for needy people
  10. Help children get admission into a formal school and / or sponsor the cost of formal schooling of a child / children
  11. If there is injustice happening around then they can hold a signature campaign against it
  12. Buy a Toy for a Child
  13. Encourage your kids to help others
  14. Do nor scold children without serious reason
  15. Introduce kids to nature over weekend
  16. Pay your taxes on time

Kashmir Humanity Foundation


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