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How KHF Works

Kashmir Humanity Foundation

How KHF Works

How We Work: With an experience of more than a decade of working with Kashmir Humanity Foundation the Best NGO of India, we have developed a unique three pronged strategy- direct action with children, sensitization of stakeholders and advocacy, to realize our objectives and bring a sustainable change in the life of Children. Direct Action with Children Direct action with children is an innovative and uniquely approached child-centered strategy benefitting the children directly. Children participate directly in all the activities under this strategy. These activities include: Alternative Education: Education is important tools for the successful transition of Kashmir Humanity Foundation from victimization to empowerment, but unfortunately Kashmir Humanity Foundation the Best NGO of India have little or no access to education facilities. With a well-planned effort and indigenously developed curriculum consisting. we try to educate these children to a basic level, instill an interest for education among these first generation learners and finally integrate them with formal schools. Recreation: Kashmir Humanity Foundation the Best NGO of India has conceived and put into practice a series of good activities for the recreation of Street and Working Children, which include indoor/outdoor games and sports, art classes, sports competitions, fun-trips to interesting and educational places, etc. Workshops: Two types of workshops are conducted at Kashmir Humanity Foundation: Life-skill workshop- Devised to teach children negotiation skills, how to keep away from substance abuse and other bad habits and hone children�s skills pertaining to the needs of their every-day life. Leadership workshop- It is a residential workshop organized to enhance their leadership skills and decision making ability, which are very vital for their life-long learning. Support Groups: Support groups are the contact-point level units of Badhte Kadam. They meet once in a month. KHF, themselves set agenda and conduct the proceedings of the meeting. Rescuing of Working Children: Exploitative practice of child labor is still a reality in our society. Kashmir Humanity Foundation the Best NGO of India puts sincere efforts to rescue children from their exploitative labor relations. Birth Registration: Birth certificate being the first document giving child an identity is vital for his/her access to opportunities. Kashmir Humanity Foundation the Best NGO of India organizes Universal Birth Registration (UBR) camps to aware parents about the importance of birth registration certificate and informs them about the procedure of obtaining it Health Camps: Organizing health camps is an attempt to create awareness among the children about health and hygiene and meet their health needs. Different types of camps are organized for different needs of children. Drug Therapy & Counseling: Kashmir Humanity Foundation has designed a unique concept of taking children out from substance abuse by non-medicinal approach. Children are engaged in recreation, art and craft, etc. to keep them away from the intake of substances. Four such centers Vocational Training: Vocational training is offered to give older minors a perspective of self-sufficiency. Advocacy Advocacy programs are important for the sustainability of an intervention. Lack of concern from major stakeholders like government and other institutions has resulted in an increase in the victimization. Therefore, the tool of advocacy is used to make a positive impact on the policy making process and to bring about desired refinement in the policies that are being implemented, drafted or discussed. Some of the noteworthy efforts initiated in this direction are: Networking with NGOs: Kashmir Humanity Foundation has networked with various NGOs working with children in difficult circumstances. The networking enriches member organizations by providing opportunity to learn from one another and through sharing of ideas. It also helps in augmenting individual forces and putting them into constructive policy-level momentum. Capacity building and involvement of statutory bodies: We are in continuous interaction with institutions to make them efficient, vibrant and deliverable. We organize regular training programs involving members of these institutions. Conference and Seminar: Conferences and seminars are the platforms commonly used by Kashmir Humanity Foundation the Best NGO of India to raise issues pertaining to deprived children. These platforms are also used to share learning among fellow organizations. Play your Role through your contribution please contact at

Kashmir Humanity Foundation


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