Target Groups
Rural poor communities including men, women and children, more so with communities who are below the poverty line. Small and marginal farmers, land less labourers and artisans.
The target groups basically forest dweller forced to survive on degraded forestland which in now partly turned to be the agriculture land but not suitable for agricultural practices and migration in nearby city areas to fulfill their basic needs. Even then they are still expecting forest to provide some fuel for them and fodder for their cattle. This led to continuous degradation of forest resource, resulted dance forest to the totally scrubland. Development of this forestland that is a common property of the village provides opportunity for all the villagers to come and work together and enjoy the benefits equally by all class of community. Looking to the increasing population and continuous degradation of natural resources the agriculture land alone unable to meet out the total food requirement of the village then what about other needs when there is no source of income available. The seriousness of situation becoming critical day after day and the farmers are forced to migrate and / or harvest trees to meet their basic need. If the situation not treated carefully considering the need and priorities of the villagers the day is not far when there is not forest left for harvesting for these communities at the same time the would have the control over these environmental resources. The need totally is to help peoples to help themselves in a sustainable manner.